The origins of the Law of Abundance can be traced back to various spiritual and philosophical teachings, including the principles of the Law of Attraction and the teachings of abundance and prosperity in many religious traditions. The idea that abundance is a mindset and that our thoughts and beliefs shape our reality is a central tenet of many of these teachings.
In this article, we will deep-dive into the concept of the Law of Abundance and learn how to apply it to your daily practices to enrich your waking moments.
- What Is The Law Of Abundance?
- Law Of Abundance vs Law Of Attraction
- How To Use The Law Of Abundance?
- How To Write A Law Of Abundance Check?
- The Scientific Basis Of Law Of Abundance
- The Spiritual Basis Of Law Of Abundance
- Law Of Abundance FAQs
- What if I don’t see immediate results from using the Law of Abundance?
- Can the Law of Abundance work for anyone?
- How long does it take for the Law of Abundance to work?
- Do I need to take any action to manifest abundance?
- Can the Law of Abundance work for financial abundance specifically?
- How often should I write abundance checks?
- How do I know if the Law of Abundance is working for me?
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What Is The Law Of Abundance?
The Law of Abundance is a concept that suggests that the universe is full of infinite abundance, and that there is enough wealth, happiness, and success to go around for everyone. It is based on the belief that abundance is not a scarce resource, but rather a mindset that one can cultivate in order to attract more abundance into their life.
The benefits of embracing the Law of Abundance are numerous. By adopting a mindset of abundance, one can shift their focus away from scarcity and lack, and instead focus on the opportunities and possibilities that exist in their life. This can lead to increased feelings of happiness, gratitude, and fulfillment, as well as greater financial abundance and success.
Additionally, the Law of Abundance emphasizes the importance of giving and generosity, which can lead to a more positive and supportive community and a greater sense of connectedness with others. Overall, embracing the Law of Abundance can lead to a more fulfilling and abundant life in all areas.
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Law Of Abundance vs Law Of Attraction
The Law of Abundance:
1. Focuses on the concept of abundance and the idea that there is an unlimited supply of resources available to everyone.
2. Emphasizes the importance of gratitude and being thankful for what you have in order to attract more abundance into your life.
3. Encourages generosity and giving as a way to increase abundance, as giving creates a flow of abundance that comes back to you.
4. Believes that abundance is a state of mind and that by cultivating a mindset of abundance, you can attract more abundance into your life.
5. Recognizes that abundance is not just about material possessions, but also encompasses spiritual, emotional, and mental abundance.
6. Suggests that abundance is not just an individual pursuit, but also a collective one, and that by working together, we can create a more abundant world for everyone.
The Law of Attraction, on the other hand:
1. Focuses on the concept that our thoughts and emotions have the power to attract what we desire into our lives.
2. Emphasizes the importance of positive thinking and visualization to manifest what we want.
3. Encourages us to align our thoughts and emotions with our desires in order to attract them into our reality.
4. Believes that we are all connected to a universal energy or consciousness that responds to our thoughts and emotions.
5. Recognizes that our subconscious beliefs and patterns can block us from attracting what we want, and that we need to work on our inner selves to overcome these blocks.
6. Suggests that by taking inspired action towards our desires and staying in a high vibrational state, we can attract what we want into our lives.
The Law of Abundance and the Law of Attraction share some similarities, as both emphasize the importance of positive thinking and mindset in attracting abundance into our lives. However, they differ in their approach, with the Law of Abundance focusing on the idea of an unlimited supply of resources and the importance of generosity, while the Law of Attraction emphasizes the power of our thoughts and emotions in manifesting what we desire.
To illustrate the similarities and differences, we can use the analogy of planting a garden. Just as a garden requires positive thoughts and intentions to grow, so too does abundance in our lives. Both the Law of Abundance and the Law of Attraction recognize the importance of cultivating a positive mindset to attract abundance, like planting seeds in fertile soil.
However, the Law of Abundance also emphasizes the importance of giving, like sharing some of the harvest with others, as a way to create a flow of abundance that comes back to you. On the other hand, the Law of Attraction focuses on aligning our thoughts and emotions with our desires, like choosing the right seeds for the garden, and taking inspired action to bring them to fruition.
How To Use The Law Of Abundance?
1. Practice Gratitude
The first tip for using the Law of Abundance is to practice gratitude regularly. Being grateful for what you have in your life helps to cultivate a positive mindset and attract more abundance into your life. To practice gratitude, you can make a list of things you’re grateful for each day, or simply take a few moments to reflect on the good things in your life.
Let’s say you’re feeling stressed about money. Take a few moments to write down five things you’re grateful for in your life, such as your health, your family, or your home. Focusing on what you do have rather than what you don’t can help shift your mindset from one of lack to one of abundance. It may be difficult at first, but over time as you get used to it, the habit becomes second-natured. By then you would have already shifted your perspective entirely.
2. Give Generously
Giving generously is a powerful way to cultivate abundance in your life. The Law of Abundance operates on the principle of giving and receiving, and when you give freely, you create a flow of abundance that can come back to you in many different ways.
When you give of your time, skills, or resources to others, you’re creating a positive energy that can attract abundance into your life. This could be in the form of new opportunities, financial rewards, or simply a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.
Giving doesn’t have to be a one-time event either. When you make giving a regular part of your life, you create a habit of abundance that can lead to more abundance in the future. This could mean volunteering your time regularly, donating a portion of your income to a charity or cause you care about, or simply offering your help and support to those around you.
In addition to attracting abundance into your life, giving generously can also have a positive impact on your mental and emotional well-being. Research has shown that giving to others can boost your mood, reduce stress, and even improve your physical health.

3. Visualize Abundance
Visualizing abundance is a simple and effective way to manifest abundance in your life. Unlike some other manifestation techniques that require specific actions or behaviors, visualization is something that you can do anytime, anywhere. All you need is a quiet space where you can relax and focus your mind.
When you visualize abundance, you’re creating a mental image of the abundance that you want to attract into your life. This can be a powerful way to align your thoughts, emotions, and actions with your desires, which can help you to manifest abundance more easily and quickly. Additionally, studies have shown that visualization can improve athletic performance and aid in the healing process.
One reason why visualizing abundance is so effective is that the mind is very powerful. When you visualize yourself living in a state of abundance, your mind is creating a powerful energy that can help you to attract that abundance into your life. Your thoughts and emotions are like a magnet that attracts similar experiences and opportunities into your life.
Another reason why visualizing abundance is easier than other methods is that it’s a very natural process. You don’t have to force yourself to do anything or change your behavior in any way. Instead, you simply focus your mind on the abundance that you want to attract, and let the universe do the rest.
Real-life illustration: Let’s say you’re trying to attract more financial abundance into your life. Each day, you take some time to sit quietly and visualize yourself living in a state of abundance. You imagine yourself having enough money to pay your bills, travel to your dream destinations, and enjoy your favorite activities without worrying about the cost.
You focus on the feelings of happy, peace, and fulfillment that come with living in a state of abundance. Over time, you start to notice more opportunities for financial abundance coming into your life, such as a new job or a profitable investment opportunity. By visualizing abundance regularly, you’re creating a powerful energy that can help you to manifest abundance in your life.
4. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is a practice that involves paying attention to the present moment in a non-judgmental way. By being fully present and engaged in the here and now, you can renew your experience of the world and cultivate a deeper sense of abundance in your life.
When you’re mindful, you’re able to fully appreciate and enjoy the experiences and opportunities that are available to you in the present moment. You’re not distracted by worries or concerns about the past or the future, and you’re not judging or evaluating your experiences in any way. Instead, you’re simply observing and experiencing the world around you with curiosity, openness, and a unique detachment.
By practicing mindfulness, you can cultivate a sense of abundance in your life in several ways. Firstly, you become more aware of the abundance that’s already present in your life. You start to notice the small things that you may have taken for granted before, such as the beauty of nature, the kindness of others, and the pleasures of everyday life.
Secondly, mindfulness can help you to develop a more positive and abundant mindset. When you’re fully present and engaged in the moment, you’re less likely to get caught up in negative thoughts or worries about scarcity or lack. Instead, you’re able to appreciate the abundance that’s already present in your life and attract more abundance into your life through positive thoughts and emotions.
Real-life illustration: Let’s say you’re feeling overwhelmed and stressed by your busy work schedule. Instead of focusing on your worries and concerns, you take a few minutes to practice mindfulness. You sit quietly and focus your attention on your breath, noticing the sensation of the air moving in and out of your body.
As you become more relaxed and present, you start to notice the beauty of your surroundings – the warmth of the sun on your skin, the sound of birds singing in the trees, and the scent of flowers in the air. You feel a sense of gratitude and abundance for these simple pleasures, and your worries and concerns start to fade away. By practicing mindfulness regularly, you’re able to renew your experience of the world and cultivate a deeper sense of abundance in your life.
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5. Let Go of Scarcity Mentality
Scarcity mentality is the belief that there’s a limited supply of resources in the universe, and that you must compete with others to get your share. Letting go of this mindset can help you attract more abundance into your life.
Real-life illustration: Imagine you’re a freelance writer competing for a job with several other writers. Instead of worrying about the competition, focus on your strengths and what you can bring to the table. Trust that there’s enough work for everyone, and that the right opportunity will come to you.
6. Be Open To Receiving
Many of us have limiting beliefs that prevent us from receiving abundance into our lives. Being open to receiving is an important step in manifesting abundance.
Real-life illustration: Let’s say you’ve been offered a promotion at work, but you’re hesitant to accept it because you don’t feel deserving. Instead of turning down the offer, take a moment to reflect on your worth and what you bring to the company. Be open to receiving the recognition and abundance that comes with the promotion.

7. Take Inspired Action
The Law of Abundance is indeed a powerful principle that can help you attract more abundance and prosperity into your life. However, it’s not enough to simply visualize your desires and hope that they will come to fruition. To truly manifest abundance, it’s also important to take inspired action that aligns with your goals and aspirations.
Taking inspired action means taking intentional steps that are aligned with your desires and goals. This requires being proactive, taking risks, and stepping out of your comfort zone to create the life you want. When you take inspired action, you signal to the universe that you’re ready and willing to receive abundance in your life.
In the context of starting a new business, taking inspired action could involve a variety of strategies. For example, you might research and identify potential clients or customers in your target market, and reach out to them with a personalized message or offer. You might attend networking events and seek out opportunities to collaborate with other business owners or entrepreneurs. You might invest in your education and training to develop new skills or knowledge that will help you grow your business.
By taking inspired action, you’re not only bringing your desires into reality but also demonstrating your commitment and dedication to your goals. This creates a positive feedback loop that reinforces your mindset of abundance and attracts more opportunities and resources to you.
Let’s take another example: you’re a freelance writer who dreams of writing a best-selling novel. Instead of waiting for inspiration to strike or hoping for a lucky break, you take inspired action by setting aside time each day to work on your novel, joining a writing group to get feedback and support, and researching the market to understand what readers are looking for.
Through your intentional actions, you signal to the universe that you’re committed to your goal of becoming a published author, and attract opportunities and resources to help you achieve it.
8. Surround Yourself With Abundance
Scientific research supports the idea that surrounding yourself with abundance can have a positive impact on your life. One study published in the Journal of Consumer Research found that people who are exposed to images or reminders of wealth and abundance tend to feel more satisfied with their own financial situation and are more likely to make financial decisions that align with their long-term goals.
Another study, published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, found that people who surround themselves with positive and supportive social networks tend to have higher levels of happiness, resilience, and well-being.
The reason for this may be related to the concept of social contagion. This refers to the idea that emotions, behaviors, and attitudes can spread from one person to another within a social network. So, if you surround yourself with people who have a positive mindset and abundance mentality, their attitudes and behaviors may rub off on you, helping you to adopt a more positive and abundant mindset as well.
Additionally, surrounding yourself with abundance can also help to reduce stress and anxiety. When you’re immersed in an environment that’s positive and abundant, you’re less likely to focus on scarcity and lack, which can be a major source of stress and worry.
Overall, surrounding yourself with abundance can be a powerful tool for improving your mindset and attracting more abundance into your life. Whether it’s through reading, attending events, or spending time with positive and supportive people, taking intentional steps to surround yourself with abundance can have a scientifically validated impact on your well-being and success.
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How To Write A Law Of Abundance Check?
Step 1: Gather Materials
The first step in writing an abundance check is to gather the necessary materials. Having everything you need within reach can help you stay focused and motivated as you write your check. The three essential items you need are a blank check, a pen, and a positive mindset.
A blank check is a symbolic tool that represents the abundance you wish to attract into your life. You can use any blank check, whether it is a personal check from your checkbook or a blank check template you print out. The important thing is that it has a space for the date, “pay to the order of,” and the amount.
The pen is also an important tool for writing your abundance check. Choose a pen that you enjoy writing with and that makes you feel good. You might want to choose a pen in your favorite color or one that has a positive message or affirmation printed on it.
Finally, having a positive mindset is crucial when writing an abundance check. This means that you should be in a positive and receptive state of mind, open to receiving the abundance that you are seeking. Before you begin writing your check, take a few moments to center yourself and focus on your intention. You might want to visualize the abundance you wish to attract or say a positive affirmation to help you get into the right mindset.
Step 2: Date the Check
In the space provided at the top of the check, write the date you are writing the abundance check. Be sure to use a current date to symbolize that abundance is flowing to you right now.
Step 3: Write “Pay to the Order Of”
In the “Pay to the Order Of” line, you have the option to write your full name or write the word “cash”. Writing your full name allows you to direct the abundance to yourself specifically, while writing “cash” allows you to leave it open for any form of abundance to flow to you.
Writing your full name on the check symbolizes that the universe is sending abundance directly to you, and that you are open and receptive to receiving it. By addressing the check to yourself, you are signaling your readiness to receive abundance, and you are affirming your belief that you are deserving of abundance.
On the other hand, writing “cash” on the check is a way of stating that you are open to receiving abundance in any form, and you trust that the universe will send it to you in the best possible way. This leaves the manifestation of abundance open to the universe’s creative process, and it allows you to be open to receiving abundance in unexpected ways.
Regardless of which option you choose, writing in the “Pay to the Order Of” line is an important step in the abundance check process. It sets the intention that abundance is flowing to you and that you are open to receiving it in any form.
Step 4: Write the Amount
In the space provided for the amount, write “Paid in Full”. This represents that abundance is coming to you in full and unlimited amounts. You can also add a specific amount if you have a particular goal in mind.
Step 5: Sign the Check
Sign the check with a positive mindset, as if you are already in possession of the abundance you seek. Use your full name or your preferred nickname, and add a positive affirmation, such as “Thank you, universe, for my abundance.”
This step is important because it helps to align your energy and intention with the abundance you seek. By signing the check as if you already have the abundance you desire, you are sending a powerful message to the universe that you are open and ready to receive it. The positive affirmation further reinforces your intention and helps to shift your mindset into a positive state, which can attract more abundance into your life. The idea is to focus on the feeling of having the abundance rather than the lack of it.
Step 6: Display the Check
Place the abundance check in a prominent place, such as on your desk or on a vision board. This serves as a visual reminder of your intention to attract abundance into your life.
Step 7: Release Expectations
After writing the abundance check, release any expectations or attachments to how the abundance will manifest. Trust that the universe will bring abundance to you in the best way possible and allow yourself to be open to receiving it.
Writing an abundance check is a simple yet powerful technique for setting your intention to attract abundance into your life. It is a physical representation of your desires and serves as a reminder to keep your thoughts and actions aligned with your intentions. By maintaining a positive mindset, remaining open to opportunities, and taking inspired action, you can manifest abundance into your life.
The Scientific Basis Of Law Of Abundance
1. Neuroplasticity and the power of positive thinking
Researches in the field of neuroscience has shown that the brain is highly adaptable and has the ability to change its structure and function in response to experience. This phenomenon is called neuroplasticity. Studies have shown that positive thinking can actually change the structure and function of the brain, leading to increased feelings of well-being and abundance.
Positive thinking and visualization can activate the reward centers of the brain, releasing feel-good neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. This, in turn, creates a positive feedback loop, reinforcing the neural pathways associated with positive thoughts and feelings of abundance. A scientific research published on the Neuroscience & Biobehavior Reviews establishes that developmental, social, and environmental factors do have an impact on positive emotions. Meditation, contemplative practices, and flow also demonstrated certain influences on positive emotions.
2. The Law of Attraction and quantum physics
The Law of Attraction is based on the concept that like attracts like. This principle is supported by research in the field of quantum physics, which has shown that particles can exist in a state of superposition, meaning that they can exist in multiple states simultaneously. According to quantum physics, our thoughts and emotions are energy vibrations that can affect the energy fields around us.
One of the ways quantum physics explain this phenomena is through the concept of entanglement. Entanglement is the idea that particles can become connected in such a way that their behavior becomes correlated, even if they are separated by large distances. The behavior of one particle can affect the behavior of another particle, regardless of how far apart they are.
Similarly, the Law of Abundance suggests that our thoughts and feelings can affect the reality we experience, even if we are not directly in control of the circumstances. This means that our thoughts and feelings can become “entangled” with the abundance we seek, and that by aligning ourselves with abundance, we can attract it into our lives.
Another way quantum physics is related to the Law of Abundance is through the concept of wave-particle duality. This concept suggests that particles at the quantum level can exhibit both wave-like and particle-like behavior, depending on the observer and the measurement technique used.
Similarly, the Law of Abundance suggests that reality can be influenced by our thoughts and feelings, which are themselves wave-like in nature. We are essentially energy, and we can change how our energy emits. The abundance we seek can exist in both a particle-like and a wave-like form, and that we can manifest it into a particle-like form by aligning our thoughts and feelings with it.
3. Gratitude and the power of appreciation
Research has shown that practicing gratitude and appreciation can have a profound impact on our mental and physical health, as well as our relationships and sense of well-being. Gratitude has been shown to activate the brain’s reward centers, leading to increased feelings of happiness and abundance. It has also been linked to lower levels of stress and inflammation, improved sleep, and stronger relationships.
In an interesting study on the power of gratitude from Harvard Health, the participants were divided into three groups. The first group was instructed to write about things that they were grateful for that had happened during the week, the second group was instructed to write about daily irritations or things that had displeased them, and the third group was instructed to write about events that had affected them without any emphasis on their positive or negative nature. After a period of 10 weeks, it was observed that the group that had focused on gratitude had a more positive outlook towards life and reported feeling better about their overall well-being. Surprisingly, this group also showed increased levels of physical activity and had fewer visits to physicians as compared to the group that had focused on sources of aggravation.
The Spiritual Basis Of Law Of Abundance
1. Non-duality
In the philosophy of non-duality, we recognize that there is no separation between the self and the universe. The idea of an individual self or ego is seen as an illusion that arises from our limited perspective. From this perspective, we may see ourselves as separate from the world around us, but in reality, we are an integral part of it.
When we understand that we are not separate from the universe, we realize that everything we need is already within us. We see that we are not just a mere spectator of the universe, but rather an active participant in it. The abundance that we seek is not something that we need to go out and find, but rather something that we already possess within us.
This realization opens us up to the abundance that is already present in the universe. We begin to see that everything around us is interconnected, and that we are part of a vast web of life. This interconnectedness allows us to tap into the infinite potential that exists in the universe. We begin to see that we are not limited by the circumstances of our lives, but rather we are empowered to create our own reality.
In this way, the Law of Abundance is not about acquiring more material possessions, but rather about realizing the abundance that is already within us. When we embrace the philosophy of non-duality, we understand that we are not separate from the universe, but rather an integral part of it. This understanding opens us up to the infinite potential of the universe and allows us to live a life of abundance and fulfillment.
2. Setting Intention
Intention is the guiding force that shapes our reality and brings us into alignment with the abundance of the universe. Our intentions are like seeds that we plant in the fertile soil of the universe, and with time and care, they grow into the abundant reality that we desire.
But intention is more than just a simple wish or desire. It is a state of being, a conscious decision to align ourselves with the abundance that we seek. It is a way of thinking and acting that is focused on positivity, growth, and abundance, rather than scarcity and lack.
When we set our intention for abundance, we are essentially telling the universe that we are ready and open to receive it. We are creating a space in our minds and hearts for abundance to flow in, and we are actively working towards bringing it into our lives.
But intention is not just about thinking positive thoughts or visualizing abundance. It also requires action. We must take intentional steps towards our goals, doing the work and putting in the effort to make our intentions a reality. This may mean learning new skills, taking risks, or stepping out of our comfort zones.
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Law Of Abundance FAQs
What if I don’t see immediate results from using the Law of Abundance?
The Law of Abundance is not a quick-fix solution, and it may take time for you to see results. It’s important to remember that the universe works in mysterious ways and that abundance may come to you in unexpected ways. It’s also important to maintain a positive mindset and continue to take action towards your intentions, even if you don’t see immediate results. Trust that abundance is on its way to you and remain open to receiving it.
Can the Law of Abundance work for anyone?
Yes, the Law of Abundance can work for anyone, as long as they approach it with an open mind and positive attitude. It’s important to believe that abundance is possible and to trust the universe to provide for you.
How long does it take for the Law of Abundance to work?
The Law of Abundance can work quickly or slowly, depending on your level of belief and openness to receiving abundance. Some people may see results almost immediately, while others may take weeks or even months to see changes in their lives.
Do I need to take any action to manifest abundance?
Yes, taking action is an important part of manifesting abundance. While the universe can provide opportunities, it’s up to you to take advantage of them and make the most of them. Be open to new opportunities and take action when they present themselves.
Can the Law of Abundance work for financial abundance specifically?
Yes, the Law of Abundance can help manifest financial abundance, but it’s important to focus on abundance in all areas of your life, not just finances. When you approach abundance holistically, financial abundance will naturally follow.
How often should I write abundance checks?
There’s no set frequency for writing abundance checks, but it’s important to write them with a positive and grateful mindset. Some people may choose to write them once a week, while others may write them once a month or whenever they feel called to do so.
How do I know if the Law of Abundance is working for me?
You’ll know the Law of Abundance is working for you when you start to see positive changes in your life, such as increased opportunities, more abundance in all areas of your life, and an overall feeling of gratitude and abundance. Trust the process and have faith that abundance is flowing to you.
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